#HockeyPostgameBar Team
#HockeyPostgameBar is a collaboration of Ashley Zeldin, Ian Boisvert...and all of you!
#HockeyPostgameBar, the event and this website were created by Ashley Zeldin. The concept is based on Guy "Yug" Blomberg's #GamesIndustryHotelBar.
If you're interested in joining the team, please reach out via email or Twitter DM!
If you'd like to discuss sponsoring an event, please reach out via email as well.
Please consider donating via Ko-Fi to help offset videochat and website costs (~$22/month). We'd be super grateful!
About Ashley
Ashley a.k.a. @snidelyhazel is a free agent project manager, software developer, and event organizer (and still occasional sportswriter) who builds worlds and communities. She became a Pens fan at age 5 'cause of Jagr's pretty hair and the iceskating penguin; it may have helped that they won the Cup that year.
About Ian
Born and raised in Connecticut, Ian has been a diehard Habs fan his whole life. Ian wastes his time playing video games with friends, yelling at hockey with his fiancée, and hosting The Nosebleeds Podcast. Go yell at him on Twitter @MaybeItsIan.